Wednesday, February 26, 2014

WIP Wednesday

For “Work in Progress Wednesday” I am only going to go into two of my many projects that I have going on.  To be honest, I usually have about 8 projects that are in some stage of production.  It sometimes overwhelms me but usually is just refreshing.  If I want to change the pace from what I have been doing I can just pick up right where I left off on something else.  No need to go to the fabric store, spend hours drafting and thinking what I want, I can just go to it.  So, check out what I am working on this week!
The quilt group that I am in is doing a few projects this year and the one I have started on is called “Twist It, Change It, Rearrange It”.  This quilt utilizes the same block components and by switching color value or the organization of the pieces change the look of the block.  There are a few things I really like about this project for a few different reasons.  First off, it is easy.  It is a quilt that I can see myself completing this year.  I want something that I can reasonably complete before each monthly meeting of the group.  I don’t need to have award winning quilts, sometimes I just need to sew some (semi)straight lines!  Second off, I am trying a new color combination (black and white with a splash of red) that I have wanted to try for a very long time. The limited colors make this fun as usually I pick lots of colorful fabrics for my quilts.  Lastly, it is giving me some inspiration to try changing simple things in some of my favorite blocks/patterns to make to change how it looks.  The variety is fun!  So here is my progress on the two blocks from January.

This is the same block with the exception of alternating the "peaks" and "valleys".  In the block on the left there are white valleys up against the red center and on the right it has peaks that face outward.
The other project still lurking on my design wall are my star blocks that were last year’s block of the month project.  I have 13 blocks done and want to finish two more but haven’t been inspired to do so.  One of these days my inspiration will kick in again and I will get it finished up! 
What projects are you working on this week?